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Deliverable D2.2 Integrated IoT supply chain concept


D2.2 elaborates the integrated IoT supply chain concept  of DOSS.  With the DOSS Supply Trust Chain, which is the orchestrated interaction of the various actors of the IoT supply chain based on a modular architecture and elaborated workflow, the whole lifecycle of a product (device or application) from design to decommissioning can be monitored, substantially reducing the attack surface of IoT systems.

At the present stage the project has defined

  • the key functionalities of the Supply Trust Chain modules;
  • the key requirements for the overall operation and for the individual modules;
  • the input/output information requirements and the core communication technologies to be used;
  • as well as the overall security framework of the operation and the key design principles of each module.

Please note that the European Commission has not approved yet this deliverable.

The contents of the deliverable reflect only the project Consortium’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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