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Capgemini report on consumer-facing connected products

Capgemini conducted a global survey of more than 10,000 consumers in November 2023 to understand consumer interest in consumer-facing connected products – wearables, home automation, health monitoring products, and fitness systems.

The report explores the topic in-depth, but we summon here only the most relevant findings from our perspective. 67% of the survey participants consider connected products to be a necessity, and one-third are using some kind of connected product nearly 24 hours a day. The reason for this: 60% of consumers feel that these products make them feel safer and healthier.

Security and data privacy give consumers cause for concern: only 42% of participants are satisfied with the security and only 36% are satisfied with the data privacy allowed by their connected products. There is a need to strengthen the security of connected products and improve consumers’ trust. Cybersecurity certification and labeling programs like the Cyber Resilience Act in Europe and the proposed Cyber Trust Mark program in the US can help build consumer confidence.

The DOSS project develops the Device Security Passport which will provide relevant input for the issuance of such cybersecurity labels.

You can download Capgemini Research Institute’s full report at

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