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Xanthopoulou G, Siavvas M, Kalouptsoglou I, Kehagias D, Tzovaras D. 2024. Software Requirements Classification: From Bag-of-Words to Transformer. WISP 2024. Publications

Xanthopoulou G, Siavvas M, Kalouptsoglou I, Kehagias D, Tzovaras D. 2024. Software Requirements Classification: From Bag-of-Words to Transformer. WISP 2024.

Conference: Special Session on Intelligent Internet of Things Security and Privacy (WISP 2024) at the 21st International Conference on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI 2024), 26-28. June 2024, Salamanca, Spain Authors: Xanthopoulou G, Siavvas M, Kalouptsoglou I, Kehagias D, Tzovaras D. Abstract: Automated classification of software requirements is valuable…
Kalouptsoglou I, Siavvas M, Ampatzoglou A, Kehagias D, Chatzigeorgiou A. 2024. Vulnerability Classification on Source Code using Text Mining and Deep Learning Techniques. QRS 2024. Publications

Kalouptsoglou I, Siavvas M, Ampatzoglou A, Kehagias D, Chatzigeorgiou A. 2024. Vulnerability Classification on Source Code using Text Mining and Deep Learning Techniques. QRS 2024.

Conference: The 24th IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS 2024), 1-5 July 2024, Cambridge, UK Authors: Kalouptsoglou I, Siavvas M, Ampatzoglou A, Kehagias D, Chatzigeorgiou A. Abstract: Nowadays, security testing is an integral part of the testing activities during the software development life-cycle. Over the years,…
Nakip M, Gelenbe E. 2024. Online Self-Supervised Deep Learning for Intrusion Detection Systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 2024. Publications

Nakip M, Gelenbe E. 2024. Online Self-Supervised Deep Learning for Intrusion Detection Systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 2024.

Journal: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 2024. Authors: Nakip M, Gelenbe E. Abstract: This paper proposes a novel Self-Supervised Intrusion Detection (SSID) framework, which enables a fully online Deep Learning (DL) based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that requires no human intervention or prior off-line learning. The proposed framework…
Ma Y, Gelenbe E, Liu K. 2024. Impact of IoT System Imperfections and Passenger Errors on Cruise Ship Evacuation Delay. Sensors. 2024, 24, 1850. Publications

Ma Y, Gelenbe E, Liu K. 2024. Impact of IoT System Imperfections and Passenger Errors on Cruise Ship Evacuation Delay. Sensors. 2024, 24, 1850.

Journal: Sensors. 2024, 24, 1850 Authors: Ma Y, Gelenbe E, Liu K. Abstract: Cruise ships and other naval vessels include automated Internet of Things  (IoT)-based evacuation systems for the passengers and crew to assist them in case of emergencies and accidents. The technical challenges of assisting passengers and crew to…
Nakip M, Gül B, Gelenbe E. 2023. Decentralized Online Federated G-Network Learning for Lightweight Intrusion Detection. MASCOTS 2023. Publications

Nakip M, Gül B, Gelenbe E. 2023. Decentralized Online Federated G-Network Learning for Lightweight Intrusion Detection. MASCOTS 2023.

Conference: 31st International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS 2023) Authors: Nakip M, Gül B, Gelenbe E. Abstract: Cyberattacks are increasingly threatening networked systems, often with the emergence of new types of unknown (zero-day) attacks and the rise of vulnerable devices. Such attacks…