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Call for Papers and Work-in-progress Presentations
EuroCybersec2021 Workshop
25-26 October 2021, Nice, France

After the highly successful EuroCybersec2018 organized by Prof. Erol Gelenbe (IITIS-PAN & Lab I3S, Université Côte d’Azur), whose proceedings with Springer enjoyed over 140,000 downloads, IoTAC organizes the EuroCybersec2021 Workshop in Nice, France, with the help of a Program Committee of experts. The deadline for paper submissions is September 17 October 1, 2021.

Organizing Committee: Erol Gelenbe (IITIS Polish Academy of Sciences),  Marija Jankovic (ITI-CERTH), Dionysios Kehagias (ITI-CERTH), Anna Marton (SafePay), Andras Vilmos (ATOS)

Program Committee: Erol Gelenbe (Chair, IITIS Polish Acad. of Sciences), Levente Buttyan (Budapest Univ. of Technology and Economics), Ufuk Çaglayan (Boğaziçi University and Yaşar University), Maria Carla Calzarossa (Universita di Pavia),  Tadeusz Czachorski (IITIS Polish Academy of Sciences), Cüneyt Güzeliş (Yaşar University), Peter Hoffman (T-Sec), Marija Jankovic (ITI-CERTH), Dionysios Kehagias (ITI-CERTH), Ioannis Mavridis (University of Macedonia), Miltiadis Siavvas (ITI-CERTH)

The meeting will be held at the Hotel Séminaire Saint Paul in Nice as a hybrid event, with both in-person and virtual participation. Colleagues from the IoTAC Project, and from other current and previous EU cybersecurity projects, as well as the research community at large, are cordially invited to submit their research and innovations in Cybersecurity for presentation and inclusion in the proceedings. The deadline for submissions is September 17 October 1, 2021.

Two types of submissions are solicited:

1. Original unpublished papers in Springer Lecture Notes in CCIS format not exceeding 12 pages including figures and references. They should be in pdf, attached to an email stating that it is a submission for this workshop, and sent to the email address

2. Work in progress presentations (One page summary in Calibri 11pt style, plus no more than 10 ppt slides) They should be attached in pdf format to an email stating that this is a submission for this workshop, and sent to the email address

Submissions will be evaluated by the program committee and authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by October 1 October 6, 2021.

Best regards

Erol Gelenbe
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences, IITIS-PAN & Lab. I3S, Université Côte d’Azur